Black Lives Matter

For over 400 years, African Americans have been facing discrimination and racism. Innocent lives lost simply beacuse they have darker skin. Sandra Bland, George Floyed, Ahmaud Arbery, Freddie Gray, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice and the list continues. It may or may not suprise you that most of their killers still walk free. This website is strictly made to raise awarness to the black lives matter movement in hopes to change the world. Always remember that white silence equals violence and no justice means no peace!

HOW YOU CAN HELP: Copy and paste the link to sign petitions, donate and more!

CREATORS STATEMENT: black.lives.matter. thats all there is to it. as people, we shouldn't be afraid to walk out our house in fear of not making it back home. we shouldn't have to worry. the color of our skin should NOT make us targets. our skin tone is NOT a weapon. to all the real quiet non-black people who love to use our culture, who love to sing and dance to our music, what are you all doing right now? you love us until something goes down. where are you when its time to fight and protest? it's sickening to have to continuously see my people being murdered by cops. not brutalized, but murdered. killed. it's tiring, but I will not stop fighting. I will not stop taking a stand until justice is served. thank you to everyone fighting towards a better future.